Sunday, 24 April 2011


A cheeky little chap, Bear is always up to mischief, which no doubt accounts for the fact that he looks so grubby. At least with two rusty bells stitched firmly to his tummy you know where he is, well most of the time...

I am getting so much more confident 'grunging up' my bears. It really is the most fun, whilst also being intensely scary as it is the final stage in about 4 hours of bear making and it could all go so terribly wrong! No major disasters yet - although it is sometimes difficult to know when enough in enough!

My most 'grungy' yet, this fun loving Bear is looking for a new HOME, and is available in the folksy shop.


Rebecca said...

Your work just gets better and better! I really am a huge fan x

Charlotte said...

Hello - I was just leaving a comment on Rebecca's blog and saw you and thought I'd come over. I really love your work. Scruffy Dog is gorgeous! I've added you to my list to follow - though I'm a bit hit and miss with my reading. I sell toys - wish I made them, but I don't. I have had some sewing lessons last year and started trying, but found I just couldn't make things and run the retail business, so I'm sticking to the retail and life has got simpler since - but I continue to be in awe of all you textile creatives! Anyway, nice to meet you,
