Friday, 22 April 2011

What a find...

I buy alot of my regular supplies from ebay, like glass eyes, vintage boot buttons and Meccano wheels, but sometimes I find something absolutely fab when I'm ambling and not really looking for anything in particular. And so it was on Tuesday when I stumbled upon a pair of vintage golden velvet curtains a lady was selling from a house clearance.

They immediately said to me BEARS! I hit the buy it now button and then promptly forgot about them! What a lovely suprise when the postie knocked on the door on Thursday, wrestling with several parcels and packages for me. I smiled sweetly when he commented, 'School holidays again is it?' and signed for said packages (note to self: must moderate ebay purchases during vacation periods).

Needless to say everything else was laid to one side as I began work on the bear. The photos on ebay did not disappoint. This fabric was the most amazing old-fashioned velvet I had ever handled! It was also the most fiberous, and seems to have covered the whole house in an old gold velvet dust, however, the resulting bear was worth it...

He is a most handsome bear, who is now available for adoption in my folksy shop   another little bear adopted!

1 comment:

fee @ chipper nelly said...

what a treat! and do indeed make a most handsome bear...I wonder what those curtains have seen...feeā™„